How To Get Bigger Arms: 5 Exercises For Huge Monster Arms

Let’s face it; what skinny guy doesn’t want to have bigger arms? I know that when I first started working out and was around 140 pounds, I was most self-conscious of the size of my arms. Most ectomorphs and naturally skinny guys have really small arms due to their smaller bone structure.

How do you get bigger arms as a naturally skinny guy? You have to work them out from a variety of angles and add more variety. While some body types have great genetics for huge arms and simply can do some heavy dumbbell curls and barbell curls, naturally skinny guys have to add more diversity.

Being a naturally skinny guy actually gives you a great advantage over many other body types because when you put on some lean muscle mass on your arms, you will look shredded. Many fitness models have naturally skinny frames, and when they put some size on their arms, they actually look bigger than they really are. The leaner you are the bigger you tend to look.

Many people think that I weigh over 220 pounds due to the fact that I have very low body fat. The fact is that I’m actually only about 190 pounds! When I was in high school, I thought that my arms would never grow.

I probably worked out my arms five times a week, and they never looked any different. Sound familiar? The problem was that I was doing the same old arm workout day after day. If you want to grow the size of your arms, why would you keep repeating the same exercises and workouts over and over? It makes sense to me now, but back then, I was making mistakes and working way too hard for very little results.

I started experimenting and researching with the most advanced arm exercises, and all of a sudden, my arm growth exploded. Throw in a better lifting routine that included many compound exercises, and I started to transform my physique rapidly.

This arm workout is a killer combination of some of my favorite arm exercises of all time. There are many unique ways to work your biceps and arm muscles, and if you want bigger arms as a naturally skinny guy, you have to take advantage of all of them.

The biggest thing that I learned when training my arms is that you have to work them out in three different ways. Most guys just train using concentric repetitions, which is when you’re contracting the muscle. This occurs on the lifting portion. The thing that most naturally skinny guys don’t realize is that you build more muscle on the eccentric, or lowering, portion of the lift. That is why negative repetitions are so powerful for muscle growth.

Another powerful way to develop a stubborn muscle group is to incorporate isometric training. Isometric training is simply flexing and holding a pose, such as a double biceps flex. If you train your arms in the concentric, eccentric, and isometric techniques, they will be forced to grow and you will have huge monster arms.

Try this workout that involves five awesome exercises, and then do some isometric bicep flexing after or at night. Let’s dive right into my How to Get Bigger Arms workout.

How To Get Bigger Arms: Insane 5 Exercise Workout

How to Get Bigger Arms starts with working your arms from every angle possible. These five exercises will challenge your arms to the max while working them out from a multitude of angles.

Exercise One: Incline EZ Bar Curl


You will do this exercise using an incline bench and laying on it the reverse way. Your chest should be on the incline instead of your back. Then grab an EZ bar and curl from the hanging arm position, using maximum flexibility and contraction. To see my exact form, make sure you check out the YouTube video!

Exercise Two: Incline Dumbbell Curl (Palms Up)


Now using that same incline bench, you will lay back on it as if you are doing an incline dumbbell bench press with your back on the bench. Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and keep your palms up. Curl the dumbbells into your outer chest and lower the weight slowly. This offers more flexibility and contraction than most traditional bicep exercises and allows you to get awesome eccentric force on your arms.

Exercise Three: Across the Body Dumbbell Curl


This is one of my favorite exercises for developing the thickness and mass of your biceps. You will use a pair of heavy dumbbells for this exercise (about the same weight you would use for dumbbell hammer curls). Bring the dumbbell across your body and touch your upper chest. This will blast your biceps and get you a massive pump. This is a great one to do before the beach!

Exercise Four: Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curl


This is one of the best exercises for developing your forearms and upper biceps at the same time. The thicker your forearms get the bigger your arms will appear. Grab an EZ bar and place your hands with your palms facing down. This is the opposite grip that you have probably been doing. Curl the EZ bar into your chest and work those biceps and forearms.

Exercise Five: Reverse Grip Barbell Row


This is one of Arnold’s favorite bicep finishers, so we will cap off an incredible How to Get Big Arms workout with a classic bicep compound exercise. You want to pick a lighter weight with this exercise that you can do about 15-20 times. This will give you a massive bicep pump and work your arms from a different angle than the other four exercises. Do your repetitions slow and controlled for a great biceps workout.

Are You Too Skinny?

Follow This Same Step-By-Step Blueprint I Used To Gain 63 Pounds Of Rock-Solid Muscle:

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