Best Pre Workout Supplement: How To Choose One That Works

If you walk into a supplement store, chances are that you will come across a whole shelf full of pre-workout supplements. You would seriously think that the world is in a severe energy crisis with the giant selection. I am a huge fan of pre-workout supplements for many reasons, and I want to dive right into that today. This is going to help you guys analyze the back of a pre-workout supplement ingredient label and make an informed decision on which one is best for your muscle-building needs. A good pre-workout supplement contains some vital ingredients that will radically increase your energy and lean muscle-building capabilities.

Let’s now discuss why the top pre-workout supplements work and give you guys some further insight into the best pre-workout supplement.

Why Pre-Workout Supplements Work

Best-Pre-Workout-Supplement-Building-Lean-Muscle-MassWhile it may be against many people’s beliefs, I think pre-workout supplements are one of the most important products you can take for both building lean muscle mass and burning fat. The supplements that I consume on a regular basis are whey protein, creatine, branched-chain amino acid (BCAA), L-glutamine, and a quality pre-workout supplement. These are all fantastic supplements for muscle gain.

We live in a very demanding world, and many of us are balancing school, full-time jobs, relationships, family, and other endeavors. Unless you are getting paid to stay in impeccable shape, chances are that it’s not the most important thing on your mind when you wake up.

So with that being said, many of us work out toward the end of our days and after we have been up for 10-12 hours and have gone through a full day of work and school. This will, of course, lower your energy levels and you will not be able to complete a very intense workout without some assistance.

While some people may claim that the energy from a very strong pre-workout supplement is “false” energy, it has helped me complete some incredibly grueling workouts on days when I was really tired. The top pre-workout supplements should fuel you through a grueling workout on days when you are most tired.

I think that the X factor to building muscle and burning fat is your workout intensity. If you are able to lift weights with incredible intensity, you will always break down muscle fibers and build more lean muscle mass. People reach plateaus because their workout intensity usually doesn’t consistently improve. Taking a top pre-workout supplement will help you a ton with your workout intensity and help you fuel more nutrients into your muscles. The more intense your workout is the greater chance you have for building lean muscle mass.

The best pre-workout supplements also contain ingredients that increase your blood flow, strength, and energy. These all have a really positive effect on building lean muscle mass and becoming a monster! The best pre-workout supplements should deliver a myriad of positive effects and help you pack on rock solid lean muscle mass.

What To Avoid When Selecting a Pre-Workout Supplement

Avoid-Proprietary-Blend-Label-Selecting-Pre-Workout-SupplementThere are so many pre-workout supplements available that it is extremely overwhelming. Not only do I want to help you guys select a pre-workout supplement, but I also want to keep you guys aware of what to avoid.

The biggest thing that you need to avoid when selecting a pre-workout supplement is the dreaded “proprietary blend” label. This can be hidden under some very clever marketing names, such as “Muscle Performance Proprietary Blend” or “Shred Matrix.” Don’t be fooled by the fancy terminology, as this is ALL marketing.

If the ingredient label doesn’t list precisely how much of each ingredient is included and they have it hidden under a proprietary blend, this means that it contains a bunch of junk filler ingredients. Why would they do this? Because the supplement industry is all about money and if they can include a bunch of fillers like magnesium, corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners, they can save money and make much more profit.

I have had many bad experiences with supplements that contain proprietary blends. They can cause stomach issues, as most of the junk they add into proprietary blends is not completely absorbed by your body. What good are pre-workout supplements if half of the ingredients are going to cause you stomach distress and cause more harm than good? That is why I only consume pre-workout powders that list the precise amount of each ingredient.

What Ingredients Work

Good-Pre-Workout-Supplement-Creatine-HydrochlorideA good pre-workout supplement will help you build muscle, burn fat, increase energy, and increase strength in the gym. There are a few ingredients that work really well that will help you achieve all 4 of these highly desired effects. Many popular pre-workout supplements contain filler ingredients that do absolutely nothing for your physique and, in many cases, will do more harm than good.

When you are selecting a pre-workout supplement at your local health store, there are a few ingredients that you should make sure it contains. These ingredients are all scientifically proven and have given me tremendous results in the gym.

The first ingredient that you should look for in a pre-workout supplement is creatine. I really don’t understand why some pre-workout supplements market themselves as “creatine-free” when creatine is one of the only proven supplements to increase your strength. The more creatine that your muscles contain the greater the muscle output potential. Creatine will increase your strength and help you put more overload on your muscles – plain and simple. The good pre-workout supplements will contain a higher quality creatine, like buffered creatine or creatine Hydrochloride (HCL).

Another ingredient that should be included in a good pre-workout supplement is an energy profile of the following: caffeine, yohimbe, and/or green tea extract. These will all add intensity to your workout and increase the intensity at which you train. The best pre-workout supplement that I have ever had contained a combination of yohimbe, caffeine, and green tea extract. This was an incredible burst of energy that helped me train at my peak intensity.

Another important ingredient that should be included in the best pre-workout supplements is L-arginine. This will help increase your blood flow and should give you fantastic pumps in the gym. This will help deliver more nutrients to your muscles and cells. Agmatine sulfate is included in many pre-workout supplements as well and will also help with increased muscle pumps.

Some of the other good ingredients to look out for in the best pre-workout supplements are beta-alanine, black tea extract, L-citrulline, BCAA, and glucose to help with absorption.

This should help you guys select the best pre-workout supplement for your individual needs. Remember that everybody’s body tolerates caffeine and stimulants differently, and you should consult a physician before consuming any of these products.

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