Diet To Gain Muscle: 3 Late Night Snacks To Build Muscle

As a naturally skinny guy and serious hard gainer, what you put in your body has hormonal consequences. If you consume a high sugar meal right before you go to bed, you will secrete insulin, which will shut down human growth hormone production. If you have no protein and amino acids in your bloodstream, your testosterone levels will not be maximized.

One of the most important times to consume the right foods is before you go to bed. What you consume late at night will either maximize your anabolic hormone secretion or it will bring it to a screeching halt.

This article is going to give you guys 3 incredible late night snacks that will help you build muscle and maximize anabolic hormone release. Make sure to rotate these late night meals as each one has a slightly different macronutrient profile. These late night snacks are catered perfectly to a serious hard gainer and will help you guys pack on some serious muscle mass through a strategic combination of the best muscle-building protein and healthy fats to drip feed your muscles into an anabolic firestorm in your sleep. You will wake up feeling great and ready to attack the gym and your muscle building with these 3 late night snacks. Let’s dive right into the list.

Late Night Snack #1

Grass-Fed-Beef-as-Late-Night-Snacks-To-Build-MuscleMy first late night snack is going to give you guys an incredible combination of protein and healthy fats to maximize testosterone production and drip-feed your muscles all night long. I will consume this meal about 2-3 times per week during my winter bulking period.

I will cook up about 4 ounces of lean grass-fed beef. Use a fat-free cooking spray or a splash of coconut or olive oil to coat the pan. Try to stick with a grass-fed beef that is 90 percent or leaner. This will give your body a perfect blend of slow digesting protein, natural creatine, zinc, selenium, and B vitamins. I will also consume 2-3 Brazil nuts with my grass-fed beef. This gives my body an abundant source of monounsaturated fats and my daily supply of selenium – a key mineral for testosterone production.

Late Night Snack #2

WholeEggs-With-Avocado-A-Great-Late-Night-SnackAs I mentioned during the introduction, your body needs some cholesterol to produce testosterone. Cholesterol is actually the pre-cursor to testosterone production, and most of your testosterone production is secreted while you go to sleep. Consuming omega fatty acids and healthy fats is also essential for maximum testosterone production. This late night snack is a perfect midnight treat for a naturally skinny guy and will maximize your muscle building. This is a great late night snack after a really intense day at the gym.

My second late night snack to build muscle is 3-4 whole eggs (scrambled, fried, over easy, whatever you prefer) with ½ of avocado (sliced on top is delicious).

The egg yolks contain cholesterol, and the eggs are high-quality forms of protein that will drip-feed your muscles key amino acids during the night. The avocado is really high in omega fats and monounsaturated fats, which are great for creating a calorie surplus and maximizing testosterone production. This is a delicious and filling late night snack for the serious hard gainer!

Late Night Snack #3

Liquid-Egg-Whites-With-Deli-Turkey-As-Late-Night-SnackThe third late night snack is perfect for those trying to do more of a “lean bulk” or for those who are in a cutting phase. This means that this snack is perfect for anyone looking to maximize lean muscle gains with no body fat storage.

I eat this late night snack during my cutting period, and I have had tremendous results. It fills me up and is only about 150 calories of pure protein! I will use a calorie-free cooking spray and cook about 25 grams of liquid egg whites. I will toss in a few slices of fat-free deli turkey as well. This gives the omelet about 35 grams of protein and zero fat or carbohydrates. I will sprinkle some cayenne pepper on the omelet for flavor and a natural metabolism booster. You could also do some hot sauce, as this will only add sodium to your late night snack! This is a perfect source of slow digesting protein, and the tryptophan in the turkey will aid in relaxing your body for sleep. Try this late night snack several times per week during your cutting phase and you will maximize your anabolic hormones and lean muscle mass without adding any body fat.

These are three late night snacks that will help you gain weight. These are perfect bedtime snacks when following a diet to gain muscle. Remember that if you want to maximize your anabolic hormones and follow a strategic muscle-building diet, you have to consider the hormonal consequences of the food you eat. Eating slow digesting proteins and monounsaturated fats as your last meal will give you some incredible muscle-building benefits in the long run. The compound effect to following this muscle-building formula will pay off with huge muscle gains and sky-high testosterone and HGH levels. This is the most powerful way to radically transform your physique and build lean muscle mass.

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