7 Foods To Gain Weight Fast: Eat This And Make Faster Gains

I am excited to share with you guys another list of 7 high-quality anabolic foods that will help you pack on slabs of lean muscle mass. These are 7 foods that build muscle and will help you naturally skinny guys rapidly transform your physique.

So many skinny guys don’t understand the best foods to eat to gain weight, so I enjoy sharing content with you guys that you can easily implement into your lifestyle. Not only are these foods going to get you guys jacked for beach season, but they are also healthy foods.

Let me get into 7 of the best foods for building muscle. We have a nice variety on this list, so you should be able to implement these muscle-building foods into your diet throughout the day. These are some of the best foods to eat to gain weight, and they are all delicious, so enjoy and happy eating!

Foods To Gain Weight #1: Lentils

Lentils-Food-To-Gain-WeightLentils are one of my favorite foods that build muscle. Most people don’t realize the sheer amount of protein that a bag of lentils has. Lentils are one of the highest protein sources out of any food item that is not animal meat or fish.

I tell a lot of naturally skinny guys that one easy way to implement another food that builds muscle is to swap out rice from your diet and replace it with lentils. There is nearly 5 times as much protein in lentils compared to whole grain or brown rice. Lentils are also really high in slow digesting carbohydrates and fiber, so they are a great all-around food for any naturally skinny guy.

Lentils are proven muscle builders, especially for vegans or vegetarians. If you are on a plant-based diet and are struggling to figure out where to get your protein from, lentils are one of the best choices.

One cup of cooked lentils contains a whopping 18 grams of protein and 40 slow digesting carbohydrates. Talk about a muscle-building powerhouse!

Foods to Gain Weight #2: Almond Butter

Almond-Butter-Best-Foods-To-Gain-MuscleAlmonds are one of my favorite foods that build muscle, so it’s no surprise that we find delicious and creamy almond butter on this list. If you enjoy peanut butter, you will absolutely love almond butter. Almond butter is loaded with monounsaturated fats and protein, which are ideal for any naturally skinny guy trying to gain weight.

Most skinny guys tell me their typical diet and they almost always have the same issue: not enough healthy fats. Consuming 2-3 tablespoons of raw almond butter every single day will help solve that by giving you over 20 grams of high-quality monounsaturated fats.

Almond butter is one of the best foods you can eat to gain weight, and it also tastes incredibly delicious. I am currently obsessed with this stuff, and one of my new favorite treats is an almond butter and grape jelly sandwich on Ezekiel bread. This is the perfect muscle-building snack with protein, healthy carbs, and lots of monounsaturated fats.

Foods to Gain Weight #3: Grass-Fed Beef

Grass-Fed-Beef-To-Gain-WeightGrass-fed beef is the perfect protein source for a naturally skinny guy trying to gain muscle. Lower quality meats that aren’t grass-fed are loaded with hormones that can be converted to estrogen in your body. This is the last thing you want because this will lower testosterone levels and make it even harder for you to gain lean muscle mass.

Grass-fed beef would be number one on my list of foods that build muscle because of the extremely high-quality protein, zinc, iron, and natural creatine. If you are looking for an absolute muscle-building powerhouse, look no further. For optimal weight gain results, consume grass-fed beef 2-3 times per week.

Foods to Gain Weight #4: Avocado/Guacamole

Avocado-Guacamole-FoodLike I previously mentioned, one of the best ways to gain weight quickly is to increase your intake of monounsaturated fats. This is why avocado is one of the best foods to eat to gain weight. I list guacamole along with avocado because most guacamole recipes are about 95 percent avocado.

One of my favorite meals to eat to gain weight is a big plate of grass-fed beef topped with fresh guacamole. This is a delicious muscle-building treat and is one of the best food combinations to gain weight fast.

You can put fresh avocado and guacamole on a number of different muscle-building foods, such as grass-fed beef, chicken, eggs, fish, and even beans and rice. Avocados are also great for you, so it’s one of the healthy foods you can eat to gain weight. I have been eating avocados/guacamole just about every day, and it’s a delicious way to ensure that you are consuming enough monounsaturated fats.

Foods to Gain Weight #5: Fat-Free Greek Yogurt

Fat-Free-Greek-Yogurt-Food-To-Gain-WeightAnother delicious and creamy muscle-building treat is fat-free Greek yogurt. If you guys constantly crave ice cream and dairy products, this is a much better alternative that will help you guys build muscle. Greek yogurt is one of the best foods that build muscle because it is loaded with protein and high in calcium. The 0 Percent fat-free Greek yogurt contains 20 grams of protein per cup and only 100 calories!

Greek yogurt is one of the best foods for building muscle, and if you are looking for a delicious treat, try my new recipe. The next time you buy a really good flavored protein powder (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, banana, orange, etc.), mix 2 tablespoons of it into your Greek yogurt and stir it around until it’s creamy. Now you have a high protein flavored Greek yogurt!

Foods to Gain Weight #6: Raw Honey

Raw-Honey-FoodI talk to you guys a lot about the importance of the post-workout insulin spike. If you want to gain weight and build healthy muscle, you should make sure that you have a fat-free protein source along with a fast digesting carbohydrate source for optimal recovery and to initiate protein synthesis.

Raw honey is actually an excellent post-workout carbohydrate as it has a lot of antioxidant health benefits and is a high glycemic carbohydrate perfect for post-workout consumption. For those of you who are looking to consume a healthier post-workout carbohydrate than a dextrose or glucose powder, try raw honey!

You can actually combine two of the foods that help gain weight on this list for the perfect post-workout snack: fat-free Greek yogurt topped with raw honey.

Foods to Gain Weight #7: Ground Turkey

Ground-Turkey-ProteinYou should be able to find ground turkey that is pretty close to fat-free. I buy a 99 percent fat-free ground turkey, pan fry it up with some olive oil, and top it with guacamole!

Ground turkey is one of the best foods for building muscle because it is pure protein and is also high in a non-essential amino acid called tryptophan. This is the stuff that makes you a little tired after consuming a big Thanksgiving meal!

A 1.25 lb package of 99 percent fat-free ground turkey contains about 130 grams of protein. This is why ground turkey is one of the best foods that help gain weight. Turkey is also higher in cholesterol than a lot of other meats, so it helps to produce testosterone in your body – the all-important male hormone.

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