5 Quick Tips To Gain Weight (Skinny Guys Must See This)

So many naturally skinny guys seem to get really frustrated with their progress around the spring and summer time. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that it is “beach season” and you might be going to the beach and going on vacations. This should be the best time of the year for you, but if you aren’t confident with your physique and you feel like a big pile of skin and bones, it can really prevent you from having fun.

I know exactly how you feel. I used to be in this same position. I remember going on a cruise to the Bahamas in high school, and it seemed like every single guy was more muscular than me. This is why I am an expert at gaining weight fast. I don’t have freaky muscle-building genetics, and I think that gives me an advantage on giving you tips for gaining weight. When you overcome a lot of obstacles to reach a goal, you tend to learn more along the way. I always have to incorporate new tips to gain weight, and I know these 5 quick tips will help you tremendously.

Tip To Gain Weight #1: High Fiber Foods Later In The Day

high-fiber-foods-to-gain-weightOne of the simplest ways to gain weight is to create that ever-so-important calorie surplus. If you are a naturally skinny guy, you probably have a really fast metabolism, meaning that your body is a calorie-burning machine all day. This is great if you are on a diet, but not if you are trying to gain weight quickly. I know the internal battle you guys have with this. Every single day, you are thinking, “I need to gain weight. What do I need to do?” One little trick that I found really easy to implement into my everyday life was to eat less “high fiber” foods early in the day.

Foods that are really high in fiber, such as oatmeal, lentils, and vegetables, tend to make us feel full for long periods of time. If you guys are really skinny and have been working out properly in the gym for an extended period of time, the main issue you have is that you’re not eating enough calories.

Swap your breakfast oatmeal for a carbohydrate source that won’t make you as full, such as a sweet potato, rice, or good old-fashioned breakfast potatoes.

Tip #2: Protein On The Go

muscular-man-drinking-protein-shakeOne of the easiest ways to gain weight is to always make sure that your body has quality protein drip-feeding your muscles to initiate protein synthesis. This creates the perfect “anabolic storm” to get you skinny guys jacked!

I am a pretty busy guy myself, and I do my fair share of traveling. I have talked to a lot of guys who are trying to get ripped, and they ask, “How can I gain weight fast if I’m never home to cook meals for myself?” This one is really simple. One of the best investments for gaining weight is to buy a shaker cup that you can fill with protein powder.

I recommend having a protein meal replacement shake at least 1-2 times a day. Whether you have school, work, or are traveling in airports all day, you really have no excuse not to get in your protein. You guys should make sure you are consuming at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This can be achieved easily when you supplement with protein powders.

I usually fill a shaker cup with 25 grams of whey protein and 25 grams of casein protein. This gives me the perfect blend of slow and fast digesting proteins. This is a very simple trick to gain weight quickly that you all can start doing today.

Tip #3: Slow Digesting Protein Late At Night

slow-digesting-egg-proteinAnother easy way to gain weight is to make sure that you are consuming anabolic muscle-building fuel right before you go to bed. When you go to bed, you are in a state of fasting for an extended period of time. This is why they call it breakfast. You are “breaking the fast.”

If you are a naturally skinny guy with a super fast metabolism, you actually could be going catabolic throughout the night if you aren’t feeding your body the proper proteins and amino acids to fuel muscle recovery and help you get bigger and stronger.

One very easy way to gain weight quickly is to consume about 20-30 grams of slow digesting protein right before bed. This will feed your body throughout the night the anabolic muscle-building fuel it needs to grow bigger and stronger.

I usually rotate my slow digesting nighttime protein among casein protein, whole eggs, cottage cheese, or a piece of fat free turkey. These are all great slow digesting protein sources that will help you skinny guys gain healthy weight.

Tip #4: Focus on Increasing Strength on Every Exercise

increasing-strength-dumbbell-rows-exerciseThis one sounds really simple, but how many of you naturally skinny guys keep a workout log and have your strength on every exercise tracked? Do you actually know if your biceps are stronger than they were 2 months ago? How much more can you bench press?

I know it can be overwhelming with all of the advice about gaining weight that people have throwing out at you. Let me break it down and help eliminate any mental confusion. You will not get bigger muscles unless you get stronger muscles. Just focus on increasing your strength on every compound exercise movement and you guys will gain size – I promise! You’re not going to get huge if your bench press, squat, and dead lift aren’t improving. Gaining weight quickly goes hand in hand with increasing strength levels. Make sure you guys go in the gym and train like beasts! It’s a guaranteed way to gain weight fast.

Tip #5: Drop Sets

dropsets-weights-dumbbell-bar-platesOne of the best ways to gain weight fast is to implement advanced training routines into your regimen. One of my favorite advanced training routines is the “drop set.”

What you will do on a drop set is start off with a really heavy weight and you will perform 4-5 “sets within a set” with no rest in between. Take, for example, a drop set on the bench press. Here is my bench press drop set workout from last week:

I started off at 325 lbs for 3 reps and then racked the weight and took 25 lbs off on each side. Then, with as little rest as possible, I did 275 lbs for 3 reps. I took off 25 lbs from each side and then did 225 lbs for 4 reps. I took off the 45 lb plates on each side and then did 135 lbs for only 9 reps. Believe it or not, the last set of 135 lbs was the hardest set by far. Drop sets are great for pushing you outside your comfort zone and creating a new overload for your body to adapt to.

These are all ways to gain weight, and I’m confident that if you implement all five of these tips into your regimen, you will have some outstanding results. In the mean time, keep training hard and remember to track your workouts and progress. I really can’t stress this enough. Being a naturally skinny guy is a blessing in disguise because once you start packing on lean muscle mass, you will have a chiseled and defined body that will be the envy of all men!

Are You Too Skinny?

Follow This Same Step-By-Step Blueprint I Used To Gain 63 Pounds Of Rock-Solid Muscle:

Weight Gain Blueprint

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  • Thanks Jeff you da man! Although I haven’t implemented the work outs yet I can tell this advice is worth while…thanks again for the info and guidance.I’ll keep you posted on my results.

    Just Another Skinny Guy


Too Skinny? Need To Gain Weight?