HGH Side Effects: The Scary Truth About Human Growth Hormone

hgh-vialsThis article is going to give you guys a solid foundation on what human growth hormone does to your body and we are going to look into the side effects associated with usage of HGH.

Human Growth Hormone actually started off as a very good drug helping many children with growth problems, AIDS patients, and other people who had pituitary gland problems and were not secreting the proper amount of human growth hormone. Everyone produces Human growth hormone naturally, and it is responsible for many functions in the human body. According to WebMD.com human growth hormone “ spurs growth in children and adolescents, as well as regulates body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism and possibly heart function. Yes – this stuff is pretty important for a number of reasons in the human body.

Synthetic HGH was first developed in 1985 and it was even approved by the FDA for specific uses in children with natural Growth hormone problems. Now we turn to the bodybuilding scene. Somewhere between 1985 and 1990 some crazy muscle scientists decided to experiment with HGH and see if it could help bodybuilders pack on more lean muscle mass. The results were pretty strong. Many bodybuilders call Human growth hormone a plateau buster because after not seeing any gains with their current training and anabolic cycles, adding human growth hormone to the mix was helping them put on another 15-20 lbs of pure muscle.

If you look at the weight of the Mr. Olympia winners from the late 1980’s to the early to mid 1990’s you will see that the weights start to jump 20-30 lbs very quickly. This has been attributed to HGH abuse in the bodybuilding scene around this time. The triple threat of bodybuilding supplements was now in full effect: testosterone, HGH and Insulin.

Bodybuilders are touting HGH as a fantastic body composition drug because it helps you build lean muscle mass and lose body fat. Sounds pretty fantastic so far – right? You are probably thinking right now, where can I get some of this stuff? Well – not so fast there! Human growth hormone comes with a list of very dangerous side effects. Let’s take a look at some of these horrible side effects. Let me know what your opinion of human growth hormone is after reading through the side effects.

Mess Up Your Body’s Natural Production

hgh-dna-structureOne of the scariest things that can happen to your body when you take HGH for a long period of time is your body may stop producing it naturally.

This becomes a major problem when you have to come off HGH. Now I know what you’re thinking – I just won’t ever come off of it then! Ok – Great. Now just get ready to shell out anywhere between $40,000 – $80,000 US Dollars for top notch HGH because that’s how much it will cost you on the black market to stay on for an entire year. Its not much cheaper getting it at an anti aging clinic either – and if you are younger than 40 you probably have no chance of scoring it the legal way.

Besides the cost your body will need a break from injecting synthetic hormones into it every day, so your going to have to come off the juice eventually.

So picture this scenario: You are pumping all this extra HGH into your body every single day. Your body eventually picks up on this and tells itself to stop producing natural HGH because you are already getting enough as it is. The problem is that once you stop taking the HGH it doesn’t automatically mean your body will start producing it naturally again. In extreme cases you can mess up your hormone production for the rest of your life.

Mental Addiction

hgh-mental-addictionThis is a very similar side effect to someone who abuses steroids. So your on HGH and you are making all kinds of gains and you look and feel great. You probably are on cloud 9 because you have never felt like this nor have you ever looked in the mirror and saw those big and bulging muscles! Now you have to come off the HGH and you lose all of your muscle and gains in a short period of time. People are coming up to you and asking you what happened – how did you look so good last month and now you look normal? Imagine the mental aspect to all of this.

If you look and feel great when your on Human growth hormone and then you jump off it and you look normal again and lose all of your gains you can very easily become mentally addicted. Some people become very depressed when they become addicted to anabolic hormones and can’t function properly when they are off them.

You need to learn to be happy with your natural hormone production and learn the aspects of maximizing your gains naturally. You may not have that “high” feeling of being huge for a few weeks, but in the long run you are much better off.

Physical Changes

hgh-gut-side-effectsBesides all of the mental side effects that come with HGH abuse there can be some pretty nasty physical changes. One of the worst physical changes that can occur from HGH abuse is actually a term called “roid gut.” This is from all of the fluid retention in the abdomen region.

Excessive HGH in the body can cause a fluid retention in the abdomen region – and I’m sure you have noticed this on a couple of pro bodybuilders. This is from anabolic drug abuse – no other reason!

Another physical change is that it can enlarge the jaw and facial structure. This can be extreme in some cases and give you a very strange looking face with a largely prominent jaw line. Yes it is good to have a strong jaw line – but not a ridiculous one from HGH abuse!

Growth Of Tumors And Cancerous Cells

hgh-cancer-cellsThe last major side effect to HGH abuse is that it can cause the growth of tumors and cancerous cells in the body.

HGH does not spot build and just go to your biceps or pectoral muscles. It will speed up the growth of whatever is present in your body. This includes cancerous cells and dangerous tumors.

So if you happen to have some kind of cancer cell or tumor present in your body when you start taking HGH you are literally killing yourself with every HGH injection – as that deadly disease is now spreading like wildfire!

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